Friday, November 2, 2007

Isn't there someone I can pay to do that?

For my most recent W&I assignment, I'm illustrating my own characters (or at least making an attempt).

As we're all aware, there are indeed people you can pay to do that sort of thing, and poking around the interweb I found a site called

Beside being out of my price range, purchasing illustrations at this point sort of defeats the whole purpose of grad school. At least for now. What the site does provide, is a great look at monetizing your creative urges. (Sorry, I keep hearing that word at work. Monetizing.)

Anyway, there are a ton of great illustrations on the site, so check it out.

Also, I found this one today, too. Apparently, a site called hosts weekly contests for its readers. Free Fridayz, it's called, and this one's a collection of user-submitted robots. Enjoy!

(Oh, and Bob, Fecal Face has a jobs database.)

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