I saw a color wheel hanging on a coworker's wall, so of course it inspired me to whine about my complete and utter lack of color theory. We talked for a minute or so before his eyes lit up with one of those eureka moments. "You know what's a good resource?" he said.
"Nope," I said.
Anyway, he sent me here: Behr Paint. The site contains an explore color link, which really is a good resource. It allows users to fine tune a color selection, and coordinate that selection with other colors. Users then identify the selected color as the main color or as an accent, and the tool returns monochromatic, complementary, warm and cool palettes.
Most of you probably realize you can use ALT+Print Screen to capture the image. (Yeah, I use a PC. So what?) Once you do that, you can open it in Photoshop and ID the colors you want. Suh-weet!
I haven't had a real opportunity to explore it yet, but I will.
If anyone else has some good color resources, I'd be very interested to see them.
Dec. 11, 2008 update: The above color wheel is Donald A. Jusko's Real Color Wheel. Apologies for not including a link the first time around!
hey mark,
i'm a big fan of http://kuler.adobe.com/
i'm not sure if you have to register an account, but if you click create you can construct your own color palettes in there (you can save them if you have an adobe user id!) you can also choose it to automatically pick complimentary colors, shades of a color, etc.
it's a great site to just play around with if you have a minute!
thanks for all your suggestions in small group today, it was very helpful!
Hi Mark, You have my Real Color Wheel posted but no credit to me.. What's that all about? Here is my link if you can add it in.
Hey Don,
I'm really sorry for not including a link when I first posted your color wheel. You definitely deserve credit for creating such a great resource! I've update this entry, and even included one in a more current post. Thanks for pointing out my error.
With apologies,
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