It's a a photo by A. Aubrey Bodine called "Crabs and Natty Boh." Bodine was a photojournalist that worked for The Sun for 50 years, and the photo you've potentially seen is posted to promote an exhibit of Bodine's work at the Student Center Gallery. I suggest you have a look, even if it's just to see the bright space and the view from the gallery.
Bodine, often considered a definitive photojournalist of Baltimore life, captures uniquely Baltimore moments, creating a poignant history of our town.
Here's one of my favorites:

"Wash Day" is a glimpse into a Sunday ritual, which, along with other activities from Bodine's works, has largely disappeared. Maybe it's mundane, but it's most definitely worth a look.
Ah, olde tyme photos, one of my favorite things to look at. I am fascinated by old shots of things I am familiar with. It is cool seeing some of Bawty, I am so used to just looking at Old Pics of Philly. These are great, I would like to see the Saturday Ritual today picture of those fronts, I'm sure it is a sad contrast. Good find!
I love the photos especially the one you picked as your favorite. I can still tell it's Baltimore though some of the areas in Baltimore turned to be trashy areas today. I work for a newspaper company. It's neat to imagine our paper's photos might become historical photos one day.
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