While racking my brain to compile a list of favorite words, I thought I might find inspiration in the works of my favorite poets. While that was somewhat helpful, it actually provided a much greater insight: My inspiration to pursue the Pub Design program originated in my esteem for those poets.
The first place I looked was e.e. cummings. First and foremost a writer, Cummings also sketched and painted a great deal. No surprise, then, that the visual representation of his poems is as important (and often more important) than the actual words.
The title of this post is actually the title of one of his poems; however, most folks just call the poem "Grasshopper." The letters move back and forth for several lines, finally working themselves into an organization readers can actually understand. The poem creates a powerful hopping connotation without ever using the word "hopping." Brilliant!
The image above is actually a different poem, but you can still see here that shape is very important to Cummings.
Anyway, there are other poets to discuss (like the one that inspired the name of this blog), but I'm sure their names will surface throughout the semester.
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